Monday, December 26, 2016

5 Minute Flowers in water colour.

This year I started the Life Book 2016.  I've learnt so much and have enjoyed the journey of developing new skills with different media.  

Water colours are something that I really haven't played with before.  Martha Lever posted a class with Life Book 2016 on 5 Minutes Flowers (in water colours).  This is my take on the class.  I need more practice but I'm so happy with the way these have turned out.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

"Under a night sky"

I'm a country girl at heart.  When the fast pace of life gets too much, we love getting away camping. One of our favorite spots is a hour from a place called Mitchell, in Queensland, Australia.   Out in the middle of nowhere.  In our spot the phones don't work, no TV, just the vast open spaces of our amazing country.  Some may think that this is a backwards and limited activity, but this is where I long to be when I need to recharge the batteries.  One of the most enjoyable parts of our trips is looking up into the night skies.  The light pollution in our cities/towns limits what you can see at night, but here the nights are an amazing show of glittering stars.  

Due to flooding this year I haven't been able to visit this magical spot, so instead I've painted the night skies as I remember.  

I was so pleased with the why the night sky came to life.  I painted the canvas with black acrylic. With a sponge I dabbed on a mix of blue, green, purple and a highlight of white to make the back ground.  With a toothbrush I splatted white paint to create the stars in the sky.  When dry I painted the silhouette of the gum trees.  Simple but very effective I think.

Can't sleep.

I don't know about you, but there are times I just can't get to sleep.  I'm going to try something new for me.  Quick sketchers before hitting the pillow......  In the past I would just lie there for hours, waiting for that sleep to come.  Some how it often comes shortly before it is time to wake.  I'm sure others know this feeling.

As I'm just getting back into drawing and painting, I'm also going to use this time to practice my sketching.  I know this quick sketch is a little stiff.....  I also know that I will learn to slowly bring this creations to life with a little more practice.

Using charcoal, a blending stick and erasers to try and create the effect of the moon rising over a creek.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Oil Sticks

So excited yesterday when my oil sticks finally arrived.  It has been more than 20 years since I've worked with oil paints and have never used oil sticks before.

The colours are vibrant and so easy to work and blend.  I enjoyed the different ways I could use the sticks, from drawing to using a pallet knife and fingers.

It has been wonderful focusing back on my art and I'm trying not to be too critical on myself.  I acknowledge that I am starting out of a journey of development and need to keep practicing.  Painting again gives me a sense of freedom.

I've always loved the impressionist style of painting.  Today I tried to get in touch with my Manet.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Introducing Wendy

Hi all,

The world of blogging is all new to me, so hang in there with me as I start this journey.

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Wendy Patterson, living and working in a small country town in South East Queensland, Australia.  Art has always been a hidden passion of mine.  With work, study and a growing family, it has taken a back seat these past 20 years.  This year I have reconnected with art and have developed a passion for mixed media.

I am in no way an expert, but love to create and experiment with new products.  In my Facebook page "Journal Away", I review new products and post details about projects.

While trying to develop my own style, the biggest influences in my work come from Tamara Laporte, Donna Downey and Toni Burt.  I have learnt so much from these amazing artists.

My aim of the next 12 months is to continue to learn and develop my own style while experiment with a variety of mixed media products.

I hope you enjoy my journey of growth as a mixed media artist.